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Revision as of 18:57, 3 November 2020 by Davik (talk | contribs) (added note about adjacent gals.)

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BvB is the abbreviation of "Base vs. Base". It often refers to when bases are built within the same galaxy by opposing teams. In order to destroy enemy bases, players may use their own team's bases to aid them in the destruction of the opposing base. This type of warefare is restricted to the Wild Space layer.

Required to BvB

  • Active war against target team.
    • 1 hour wait after declaration
    • Must have sufficient Warmongering team skill
  • An owned adjacent galaxy to the target.
  • A team score of at least 50.

Note: These conditions also determine when you may deploy a Small Warp Beacon in a galaxy owned by a different team and fleet-transwarp to that beacon.

Number of Kits Allowed

  • At least 1 kit per every adjacent galaxy you own as soon as BvB conditions are met.
  • Five kits per adjacent galaxy you own if you have owned any one adjacent galaxy for the past 24 hours.
  • An extra five kits for every active Base Amplifier you own in any galaxy adjacent to the target (galaxy does not have to be owned to count the amplifiers). It takes 3 days to construct an Amplifier and you can only have one on each base.
  • Each team is limited to 100 unattached kits per galaxy, including the defending team.
  • There is a galaxy-wide limit of 200 unattached kits per galaxy, across all teams.
  • BvB Amplifiers only grant their bonus (additional +5 slots) when the galaxy they’re located in has been owned continuously for the past 72 hours.

A Galaxy becomes unowned

  • The server periodically checks the galaxy and finds that the owning team does not hold any living bases in the galaxy,
  • The galaxy does not contain a living teamed outpost and is not connected to the owning team’s HQ via a chain of owned galaxies but only after 24 hours have elapsed. The owning team receives notifications in team chat about this timer.

A station becomes abandoned when

  • It has received lethal damage of radiation type (also enters destroyed state).
  • It has been destroyed for a certain amount of time based on its tech level. The formula is 5 days multiplied by (Tech/20 + 0.5), which results in 2.5 days for a Tech 0 base and 8 days for a Tech 20 base.
  • It has been out of rations for 3 days.
  • It is a BvB kit that has been alive for 12 hours and cannot be converted to a standard kit. This can either happen if the owner lacks standard base slots or the galaxy is owned by a different team.
  • Its position is more than 30k the nearest solar body or wormhole -- but only after a 10-minute timer has elapsed. You also cannot deploy a base in the first place if it would be more than 30k from the nearest solar body or wormhole. Note: this timer only resets upon server restarts. Note also: attacking kits are affected by the placement restriction but are not currently affected by the abandonment timer, so they can be freely moved beyond 30k distance after deployment.


  • A galaxy lockdown occurs whenever the defender has a base enter destroyed state while an active BvB kit is present in the galaxy.
  • The galaxy lockdown lasts 2 hrs and is renewed during that time if the defender has another base enter destroyed or abandoned state.
  • During lockdown, the defender is not permitted to deploy any bases or permanent drones in the target galaxy.
  • Lockdown prevents the intentional abandoning of kits by either side. NOTE: this prevention is currently bugged out--the defender can abandon kits but will trigger a lockdown by doing this.
  • The defenders cannot repair or commandeer abandoned bases in a galaxy that is under lockdown.
  • The defenders also cannot unown a galaxy that is under lockdown.