Qokujiii Qa'ik

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Qokujiii Qa'ik1.png
Qokujiii Qa'ik2.png

Behold, the mighty queen of the UrQa! Tremble before her power, and know doom!

Perhaps the toughest of the uber AI outside of UZ, the slow but powerful Qokujiii Qa'ik is located in the last level of the Iq'Bana DG. Primarily killed to obtain the commodity for weaponry 20, or to complete the new weaponry 20 mission. It is level 5100.

The Qokujiii Qa'ik spawns with this gear.

  • Jiji Qa (Weapon)
  • Ukukuu Qa (Weapon)
  • Qa'Uka (Shield)
  • Impassable Protection
  • Ace Pest Control (3)
  • Self Destructor
  • Aku KoQuii Augmenter
  • KoQuii' Vazuk Augmenter
  • Ishi Augmenter
  • Unknown

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