Lyceum Library

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Welcome to the Lyceum Library, a place devoted to the sublime art of storytelling. Amateurs and experts alike flock to this place of enlightenment and entertainment to seek the very finest in tales from across the universe.

Perhaps you, too, would like to join them...

Please do not post the actual story on this page; rather, make a seperate one for it. Follow the steps below to begin your own tale in the Star Sonata universe.

  • Type in your URL bar an address for your story.
  • Make sure to replace the [Your_Story_Name] with your intended title.
  • Link your story to this page.
    • [[Category: Lyceum Library]]
  • You may also include your in-game name so players may message you comments.

The Lyceum Library will only accept the finest of works submitted to them. Please make sure that your story is thoroughly edited so that grammatical and spelling errors are as few as possible. Also, be sure to use correct punctuation.

Begin your tale, adventurer! Your own story about the mysteries of Star Sonata!